How and Why You Must Prioritize the Development of Employees

Luke Allen, CEO of OHD, and expert in sales culture, discussed in a recent podcast how to bring in A-performers to your company. Part of OHD’s process to assertively attract those key players starts with an onboarding process, which involves the new employee weeks before they set foot into the job.
Clear onboarding strategies can look like building a profile on the new employee by sending out new employee surveys and disseminating the profile of the new employee to the team. Luke’s company also assigns an inside person to reach out to the new employee a week before they start and answer any questions they might have. So before they even show up for their first day, they have a powerful perspective of the company.Engaging marketing can also be a powerful tool with onboarding because they have a strong perspective of the onboarding processes being put into place, which helps to evaluate how new people perceive the company. It’s not just about creating customers who are raving fans, but also employees who are raving fans. Companies that don’t follow through with this will potentially be set up to lose A-players but the C-players will stick around. It’s important to develop a plan for those new employees’ futures at the company. People want to know their value at the company and what their future looks like.
If you discover that you have a C-player, don’t lower expectations and be clear about your company culture demands. This could be a crucial conversation that could move them to a B-player or drive them out because they can’t meet the demands. When you proactively attract key talent, share your expectations early on. Many times C-players will leave a company if they find they don’t fit into the culture.
There will be a watershed moment where the employee falls into the company culture or they will be driven out. Team and culture should be above the individual in order to avoid members of your team noticing that some members aren’t being held to the same standard.