You need to evaluate your current sales and marketing structure. It could be costing you millions.

Every organization has a sales funnel. From startup to IPO, you have a way of selling to potential and current customers. Are you hitting all your goals? Is your budget generating the right number of leads? The process for converting a lead into a customer is a mystery to most organizations. As we mentioned before, we took years in developing our strategy to accurately reflect how people think. We love the brain and people and decision-making. Modeling our process from the research done by scholars James O. Prochaska and Carlo Di Clemente, we designed not only a process for how prospects buy but an analysis to evaluate your current marketing tactics, guide you in creating the right content, resource your sales team and create a unique process that best suits your needs.

We offer a Sales-Barrier Analysis to clients who are interested in improving their sales and marketing process. The issues go on and on. Do you need help with any of the following?

  • Lead conversion
  • High quality leads
  • Sales quote
  • Sales and marketing alignment
  • Budgeting for campaigns
  • Understanding your prospects

To learn more about the Consumer Decision Journey and how your organization can benefit from implementing this process, download our whitepaper.