Innovation & Insights
Clarity and Confidence in the Face of Tough Decisions
Marketing research used to be a straightforward matter of determining what to say and who to say it to. Today, research lends clarity and confidence to the tough business decisions that are the foundation of durable growth. The ripple effects of research are felt well beyond the marketing department – this influences the way that ops teams, product managers and technicians design and deliver your offerings.
Our approach to research is simple: start with the data. We use statistical analysis and data visualization to clarify the haze surrounding customer sentiment, customer behavior and lifetime value metrics such as customer acquisition and retention costs. In many instances, we’ve helped clients go deeper than Net Promoter Scores to understand the drivers of satisfaction, which identify the most critical touchpoints in a customer’s experience (or a prospect’s buying journey).

Data does indeed have its limitations.
It can identify relationships with confidence, but it doesn’t always reveal the root of those relationships. We use qualitative research techniques to fill the gaps; the most common tools we use include in-depth interviews, focus groups (in-person or via an online AI platform) and behavioral observations (through in-person and mobile ethnography). We can even apply design-thinking techniques to build customer empathy that sparks innovation.
Research will grant you clarity and confidence in the face of tough decisions — as long as you have courage and questions worth answering.
Our Work
Alabama ONE Brand/Identity A minimalist approach creates a real point of visual differentiation from most brands in the sector.
Taziki’s Cafe Culture Eats Strategy for Lunch
The Washington Center Rapid growth comes from sales and marketing in alignment with the prospect.