Why the research? Why the data?

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In today’s marketing environment where majority of decisions are made based on ROI, how does the data management and research help shape the visual messages we create?


We recently had a client who came to us and asked for a website redesign, but that’s not what we’re kicking off this summer. The initial project is research— VOC interviews, competitive audits, analytics audit, etc. Let’s talk about why the research, or data, is so important…

Data management is just as, if not more, time-consuming than the creative side of marketing. But the time spent gathering consumer insights, demographics, audience history, purchase data, web traffic/analytics, etc. will always make the visual process more efficient. The creative ideas arise from understanding your customers. Data can pinpoint which customer segments haven’t been explored or who your most dedicated customers are. It can also identify which tactics are best to reach different audiences. Email marketing, for example, might provide information on which subject headings received the most clicks or which offers or calls to action (CTAs) have the most click-throughs.

In summary, it’s important for agencies to find insights in data to develop more targeted ideas with messages to reach customers of high value. Data serves as a link to more engaging creative. Data alone won’t get customers to read, click, download, or engage— that is still the creative. But it has a powerful effect behind the creative.

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